This is Seven at 6 1/2 weeks old. She's out of Ch. Moonstruck's Notorious and Ch. Coryrex's Shooting Star. Seven will stay here with us and we'll watch how she matures. I have high hopes for this little girl.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Black Pug Puppy
This is Sam. He's available to a pet home. I would of held him back as a show potential puppy but he doesn't have a long enough tail. Darn!! He's a little chunk, such a sweetie and I'm hoping to find just the right family for him. You can learn more about him by visiting this page:

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Puppy love
I wanted to share some new pictures with you all. It's a total blackout at my house...get it? LOL! Ok, it's corny I know but with only black puppies I thought it was appropriate. Anyhoo, here are some new pictures.
Cricket (sorry she's spoken for)

Six and Seven (What I'm calling them for now. I wonder if it will stick? LOL! One will likely be available and one spoken for)

Sam (He's available)

Remington (sorry, he's spoken for)

Friday, November 20, 2009
Dominant Champion Black Pug
Well, we are suspecting that our boy; Ch. Coryrex's Shooting Star may be a dominant black. What this means is that he only carries black genes and can only produce black puppies even when bred to a fawn. If this is the case, this is great news! There isn't an abundance of dominant blacks around, especially nice ones like Gordy. So our plan is to have a genetic test done to confirm this. The reason we suspect this is due to the fact that he was bred to three different fawn bitches and has only produced black puppies in all three litters. I'll let you know what we find out.
I had hoped for black puppies when I did these breedings. Who would of thought my wish would of came true and ALL of them are black! Wow!
I had hoped for black puppies when I did these breedings. Who would of thought my wish would of came true and ALL of them are black! Wow!
Here is a picture of our sweet Gordy!
Two of my favorite butterballs (not the Thanksgiving kind)
Boy, are these babies getting plump!
The boy is out of Ch. Coryrex's Shooting Star x Arvay's Sugar Moon Lagoon. The girl is Cricket, who is out of Ch. Candyland's BlkHawk of Arvay x Arvay's Lonestar to Treasure (needs a 3pt major to finish her championship).
The boy is out of Ch. Coryrex's Shooting Star x Arvay's Sugar Moon Lagoon. The girl is Cricket, who is out of Ch. Candyland's BlkHawk of Arvay x Arvay's Lonestar to Treasure (needs a 3pt major to finish her championship).
Girl - Cricket
Newest Puppy born at Arvay Pugs
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Pug Shapes printable
I just love these! They are great for scrapbooking, altered art and you can even make gift tags with them. Each of the 6 Pugs measure 3 1/2 x 3 inches and are so simple. Just print on cardstock, cut and use. They are on sale this week for $2.50 so get them while you can! Click on the image or more info button to learn more.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Pug Puppies at 9 and 14 days old
Monday, November 2, 2009
New Black male Pug puppy
We have a beautiful black male born on Halloween. He's out of Ch. Coryrex's Shooting Star x Arvay's Sugar Moon Lagoon. It was a difficult birth and unfortunately his black sister didn't make it into the world. However, he's doing very well and Bindy is doing fine.
I'm looking for name suggestions if anyone has any. He was born Halloween, so any ideas with that theme (or not) are welcome. I'm going to watch how he matures and then decide if he will be available to the right home.
Friday, October 30, 2009
New Cricket Pictures
She's starting to look less like a baby gorilla and more like a baby black bear LOL! Here she is at 5 days old. It's been a learning experience for me having a singleton. The biggest challenge has been the fact that with a singleton, Mom's milk supply is wonky (is that a word?). Anyway, she wasn't gaining like she should of been. Fortunately, thanks to the advice of a friend we are back on track and I think have overcome that challenge. For those interested, what I am doing is expressing milk from her Mom, Tiggy and tube feeding Cricket 2-3 ounces and then letting her nurse. This has worked and she's now gaining well. The hope is to get Tiggy's milk supply steady enough to sustain Cricket. But if that doesn't happen, then the next thing would be to at least buy her some time until Bindy's puppies are here and her milk comes in. The logic would be that Cricket could then sidle up to Bindy's milk bar and nurse with the other puppies.
Here are a few pictures of Cricket today. She is just too cute for words. One other interesting thing about Cricket that I've never experienced is that she doesn't cry. I mean literally. I've heard her make little squeak noises and what I would classify as a cry when she had her dew claws removed, but other than that she just never cries. I guess she's just very content. Now watch, Bindy's puppies will be screamers LOL!
Here are a few pictures of Cricket today. She is just too cute for words. One other interesting thing about Cricket that I've never experienced is that she doesn't cry. I mean literally. I've heard her make little squeak noises and what I would classify as a cry when she had her dew claws removed, but other than that she just never cries. I guess she's just very content. Now watch, Bindy's puppies will be screamers LOL!
Monday, October 26, 2009
New Black Pug Puppy Born
I'd like to introduce you to the newest member here at Arvay Pugs. She arrived this morning via C-section and weighed in at 6.3 ounces. Her Mom, Tiggy is doing very well. She's not quite sure yet what to think of this little squeaky black puppy but I'm sure she'll get the hang of it.
I think I've decided to name her Arvay's Midnight Lullaby and call her Cricket.
We also had Bindy's Xray done today and she is carrying 2 puppies.
We also had Bindy's Xray done today and she is carrying 2 puppies.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Arvay Pugs is getting ready for puppies!
Tiggy had her xray and just as I suspected, she is carrying 1 puppy. But one isn't a lonely number in this case as it looks like Bindy is carrying several. Being that these puppies will be born less than a week apart, Tiggy's single puppy will have "siblings" to play with and socialize with. Thank goodness for small blessings right?
I'm very excited, but very nervous too. I just pray that all goes well for Tiggy and her baby. She will be having a C-section since there is only one puppy in there as likely she wouldn't be able to deliver it on her own due to the size of the puppy. When you have a singleton, the chances are much higher that it will be a big puppy as it doesn't have to share the nutrients with others. So say a little prayer for her and the baby. The C-section will happen early next week. I'll update you all when I get a chance afterward and hopefully post some pictures. I pray that Tiggy will do great through the surgery and that this puppy will be born alive and thrive. That's all I can ask for at this point.
Here is the xray picture. Excuse the red light, that was the flash. Can you see the head (upper right), spine and little legs? I wonder if she/he will be black or fawn?
The other day we set up a new whelping/puppy crib. The round black thing you see on the flooring is what they call a "Whelping Nest". It keeps a constant temperature for the puppies. I love that thing! Much better than heating pads or heat lamps.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Arvay Pugs announces Tiggy is pregnant!
OK, I know I recently posted that I wasn't sure if Tiggy was pregnant. However, I'm happy to announce that she's finally let me know that she is. I think she is carrying a small litter and actually I expected that because of the history of her dam and granddam. But we are thrilled and can't wait to meet the little puglet (s).

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Arvay Pugs is expecting Puppies!
Hi Pug fans!
I can say with 99% certainty that Bindy aka Arvay's Sugar Moon Lagoon is pregnant and we expect puppies the first of November. You can see by the photos that she's losing her girlish figure and gaining a bit of belly. She's 5 weeks along. So she has a ways yet to go. She was bred to Ch. Coryrex's Shooting Star. This breeding can produce both fawn and all black puppies.

I can say with 99% certainty that Bindy aka Arvay's Sugar Moon Lagoon is pregnant and we expect puppies the first of November. You can see by the photos that she's losing her girlish figure and gaining a bit of belly. She's 5 weeks along. So she has a ways yet to go. She was bred to Ch. Coryrex's Shooting Star. This breeding can produce both fawn and all black puppies.

We aren't sure if Tiggy took or not. This is the first time I've had a really hard time determining if a bitch was pregnant. Some days I think maybe and others I think that she's not. She's due the end of October. I'll have her xrayed just to make sure she isn't hiding one or two puppies in there. I'll keep you all posted (:
Monday, September 21, 2009
Watercolor Black Pug Painting
I just finished up this digital watercolor painting of Ch. Coryrex's Shooting Star and wanted to share it with you all and see what you think. Do you like it?
I'm new to Photoshop so it's a huge learning curve for me, but I'm getting better at it as I go along. I have used Paint Shop Pro for so many years it's hard to switch, but Photoshop can do so much more.
I'm new to Photoshop so it's a huge learning curve for me, but I'm getting better at it as I go along. I have used Paint Shop Pro for so many years it's hard to switch, but Photoshop can do so much more.
In any case, it started out as a normal photograph and it took me about 2 hours to add the colors, details and such. I like how it turned out. And it has that "Pop Art" look to it. I'll try a fawn Pug next time.
What do you think?
Thou shall not STEAL my Pug puppy pictures!
You know it's a bit rude when you wake up to find that someone has created what I would call a scam website, impersonating themselves as a breeder and using pictures of your Pugs and claiming them as their own. Should I be flattered? I know my puglets are cute but sheesh! Why do folks have to resort to stealing and using my pictures?
I'm not going to give these folks any additional exposure, but will tell you that if you come across a website with the name "amazing" in the URL and it looks like a Pug breeder...BEWARE. These folks have pictures of my puppies plastered all over their gallery page, available puppy page and they also have a picture of a girl that I bred, claiming that she is one of the momma's.
Here are a few of the pictures so you can be aware if you see these on any other site but mine, you'll know that it's a scam site.
I'm not going to give these folks any additional exposure, but will tell you that if you come across a website with the name "amazing" in the URL and it looks like a Pug breeder...BEWARE. These folks have pictures of my puppies plastered all over their gallery page, available puppy page and they also have a picture of a girl that I bred, claiming that she is one of the momma's.
Here are a few of the pictures so you can be aware if you see these on any other site but mine, you'll know that it's a scam site.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
New Pug Fella at Arvay Pugs!
I'd like you all to meet Ch. Coryrex's Shooting Star aka "Gordy". He comes to us from Coryrex Pugs out in California. We are really thrilled to have such a handsome black boy as a new member of our family and breeding program. He is a real sweetheart! We hope to have a litter sired by Gordy in the near future.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Cute Pug pictures
Friday, August 21, 2009
Altering old Pug photographs in Photoshop
OK, so I'm a Paint Shop Pro kinda girl and am finding Photoshop to be like suddenly finding myself in a foreign country. So much to learn! In any case, I did manage to learn the wonderful trick of blending photos. Basically, you take two separate photos and blend them together. It's pretty darn nifty to be honest. Here are the results of my playing.
First I took these two photos.
And blended them so they became this:
Pretty neat huh? Not perfect of course but I'm still learning (;
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Planned Breeding
Well, my dear little Tiggy aka Arvay's Lonestar To Treasure has come into season. She's never been bred so we are excited about the prospect of her having puppies. Tiggy spent a lot of time out at the shows earning points towards her AKC championship. We tried for a very long time to snag one last major (3 point win) for her so she could finish her championship, but it just wasn't in the cards. Tiggy is a small, cobby little bitch that can be a little naughty at times in the ring. On many occasions the judge would come up to her at the table and she would be wiggling her entire rear end in excitement. Most of them forgave her for that as she is just so darn cute. However, a lot of her competition over the last year and a half consisted of bitches that were bigger, had more substance and better behaved. The judges over all either loved Tiggy or they didn't.
Tiggy at 10 weeks old.

In any case, she's a champion in my book and most definitely has some wonderful qualities we hope will be passed on in the whelping box. She is going to be bred to a gorgeous champion male that I've been wanting to breed her to for awhile now. I'm excited and if all goes well, we hope to have puppies born late October. I anticipate she will have a small litter due to her size and her dam and granddam's history, as they too had small litters. As a matter of fact, Tiggy herself was the only puppy born in her litter. Honestly, I don't care how many puppies Tiggy has just as long as they are healthy. Even one gorgeous, healthy puppy (male or female) would be just fine with me (:

So cross your fingers and I'll let you know if this ends up successful.
Tiggy now at 3 years old.

Tiggy at 10 weeks old.

In any case, she's a champion in my book and most definitely has some wonderful qualities we hope will be passed on in the whelping box. She is going to be bred to a gorgeous champion male that I've been wanting to breed her to for awhile now. I'm excited and if all goes well, we hope to have puppies born late October. I anticipate she will have a small litter due to her size and her dam and granddam's history, as they too had small litters. As a matter of fact, Tiggy herself was the only puppy born in her litter. Honestly, I don't care how many puppies Tiggy has just as long as they are healthy. Even one gorgeous, healthy puppy (male or female) would be just fine with me (:

So cross your fingers and I'll let you know if this ends up successful.
Tiggy now at 3 years old.

Monday, July 6, 2009
A face only a Mother could love?
Nah...I don't think so. How could anyone not love the face of a Pug? This is Tiggy. I believe she knows she's cute too (:
Friday, June 19, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Our Matriarch Pug Mookie
Hello All! Sorry it's been a bit since I've updated the blog. I guess that's only because there isn't much to report these days. Our puppies all went to their new homes and right now we only have one of our Pugs out showing. Though we are waiting for two of our girls to come in season and when that happens they will be bred (one for the first time and one for the last time). So that will be exciting.
Of course I can't make an update on here without posting a picture! I think there is some unspoken blog law about doing that...LOL! So let me share with you a picture of Mookie. She's 11 years old and the Matriarch around here. She's our spayed "pet" Pug and truly the love of our lives. In her wiser years, she's getting a little slower, a little rounder and a little lazier...but none the less just as lovable as always. I pray we'll have many more years with her.

Of course I can't make an update on here without posting a picture! I think there is some unspoken blog law about doing that...LOL! So let me share with you a picture of Mookie. She's 11 years old and the Matriarch around here. She's our spayed "pet" Pug and truly the love of our lives. In her wiser years, she's getting a little slower, a little rounder and a little lazier...but none the less just as lovable as always. I pray we'll have many more years with her.

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